What should I do to prepare for a Reiki session or Sacred Sound experience?

Be ready to completely surrender, drop your ego at the door, and allow your higher self and guides to assist you in this divine healing process.

As a client, what is my role in my healing journey?

It all begins an urgency or desire to become a newly improved healthier, livelier you, to level up in life in your body, mind, and spirit.

Even though, during a session or treatment, you’re lying down on the floor or up on the table, you are an active participant in your healing process by checking your ego at the door and allowing yourself to receive divine Sound and Universal healing energy.

When you leave the session or treatment, you continue supporting the healing process by making better choices for your body, mind, and soul:

  • For the body, you nourish it with a well-balanced diet of vegetables, proteins (preferably homemade plant-based or pescatarian), whole grains (preferably amaranth, barley, bulgur, millet, quinoa, rice, etc.), by replacing or greatly reducing caffeine, sugary soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages intake with filtered water (plain or with lemon or cucumber and lime), herbal tea, and non-alcoholic spirits, etc.

  • For the mind, you nourish it with daily exercise (start with an easy activity like walking or jogging), balancing work–home life, taking time out to read a short story or poetry, etc.

  • For the soul, you engage in meditation or yoga or simply connect with planet Earth, spending time with nature at a forest, a park, a garden—or wading in a brook or a lake or an ocean.

Who is the healer?

It is my aim to help my client access and activate their self-healing mechanism to assist them in their healing process. At times during a healing session, my higher self or my guides relay information to me to facilitate this healing process. 

What should I wear to my Reiki or Sacred Sound experience?

Wear comfortable clothing, preferably light-colored and loose-fitting, without metal wires, clasps, buttons, or zippers. Please remove all jewelry, Smart watches, and fitness data trackers.

Should I fast for my Sacred Sound experience?

To receive Sacred Sound at its highest potential, it is a good practice to arrive to the session on an empty to light stomach condition with a three to four gap after a meal.

There are no dietary restrictions for receiving Reiki.

What are Singing bowls made of?

I use IASH Tibetan Singing bowls, the world’s finest quality metal, healing-grade, 100 percent hand-hammered Singing bowls, primarily made up of copper and tin.

I also use Crystal Tones Alchemy crystal Singing bowls (which are made of the highest quality 99.992% pure quartz crystal) and 6Lynx crystal Singing bowls (which are made of 99.993% pure quartz crystal sand).

What is the difference between Alchemy Crystal Singing bowls and Crystal Singing bowls?

Alchemy Crystal Singing bowls combine precious metals, precious gemstones, rare crystals, rare Earths, or rare minerals to pure quartz crystal during the production process. Crystal Singing bowls are made of pure quartz crystal.

Is Reiki a cult or a religion?

Although Reiki is spiritual in natural, it is neither a cult or a religion. The Reiki system is not based on an individual dogma or structured belief system and will work whether you believe in it or not.

Can Reiki cause harm?

Reiki can never cause harm. It always knows what the person requires and will adjust and flow energy to where it’s needed the most. Furthermore, since Reiki is a channeled healing, the Reiki practitioner’s energies are neither depleted nor transmitted to the recipient.

What is a distance Reiki treatment and why do I need to provide a digital photograph and my contact information?

Absent healing—or a distance Reiki treatment—is a healing sent to your past, present, or future self. It very similar to updating your cell phone or computer with the latest software. In order to receive the Reiki energy, the Reiki practitioner needs to direct the healing package to you much like an operator directs a call. Thus I require your digital photograph and personal contact information to help the Reiki energy pinpoint your location in the Universe, whether at home, on vacation, or in hospital.